Shanghai Catalogue of Urgent and Shortage Jobs for Foreign Talent
Jan 23, 2023careerresource
Integrated Circuits, Biomedical, Artificial Intelligence, Finance

Beijing Catalogue of Urgent and Shortage Jobs for Foreign Talent
Jan 22, 2023careerresource
Next-generation Information Technology, Integrated Circuits, Intelligent Equipment, New Materials, Software and Information Services

Support with Job Searching and Work Permit
Nov 22, 2022careerresource
Unfortunately, many companies during the covid-19 situation have to decide dismiss part of their international employees. Some them go back home countries, while some stay in China. Need Support with Job Searching and your Work Permit? Foreign nationals who choose work China naturally questions concerns, but none are as critical, common, ...

Catalogue for Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Overseas Talents 2.0 Edition
Jul 04, 2022careerresource
Foreigners who hold a qualification listed in the "Catalogue" based on their working experience outside China can be regarded as having the same qualifications as those with experience inside China

Notice on the Current Visa Application Procedures
Jun 30, 2022careerresource
Since the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, Chinese government has been adjusting the visa policy following development of pandemic. This Notice is to introduce current visa policy and application procedures. If you need to apply for a visa to China from Embassy, please follow instructions ...

Zhuhai simplifies work, residence permit process for expat
Mar 07, 2022careerresource
Expats in Zhuhai are now able to apply for foreigner's work and residence permits in China at a special service area of the Gongshang Building in New Xiangzhou starting from March 1.

How to Deal with Foreigners Violating the Regulations?
Feb 23, 2022careerresource
For the foreigners who obtain employment without application for license and employers hire Alien Employment License, they are violating Regulations on Administration of Foreigners in China, shall be dealt by public security organ according to terms 44 Rules Governing Implementation Law PRC Entry Exit Foreigners, that is, those engaged illegal au ...

Chinese job market abuzz following festive period
Feb 15, 2022careerresource
The job market in China was abuzz with activity in the week following the seven-day Lunar New Year holiday that lasted until Feb 6, according to a survey released by Chinese online recruiting platform Zhaopin on Monday.